Monday, September 5, 2011

A few letters:

Dear mosquito who bit me on the bottom of my foot yesterday:  You suck.  Quite literally.  I'm not sorry I squished you, I'm only sorry I didn't get you before you gave me a super itchy bite right where my flip-flop rubs my foot. 

Dear mosquito friend of the first mosquito:  Clearly you didn't learn from your friend's demise.  I did not appeciate you flying up my shorts.  I hope none of my neighbors saw me jump out of my chair and smack my crotch repeatedly yelling "get out!".

Dear Baby Dinosaur:  You're welcome for the donuts and coffee this morning.  Please stop bouncing off my cervix, bladder, kidneys and other internal organs.  I promise we'll be back to eggs and toast tomorrow, this was just a special treat for a holiday weekend.

Dear Hudson:  I'm sorry I failed you.  I hope you'll forgive me someday, and for now, I hope all those snuggles you got sleeping and snuggling in bed with your new little boy helped ease your confusion.

Dear Laundry:  Please wash and dry yourself.  Thanks.  If you could add an extra vinegar rinse to the cloth diaper load before hanging out to dry that would be great. 

Dear Husband.  Thank you for a wonderful birthday, and the coffee and donuts in bed this morning.  I enjoyed celebrating the first anniversary of my 30th birthday.  :)   

Dear CGC Spencer:  Welcome home, my friends have missed their loved ones.  Congratulations on a successful and safe patrol.

Enjoy your Labor Day friends!  We're having beautiful weather and picnics with friends!

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